To survive those hard times, people depended on the inexpensive coal that could be brought up from small local mines. Do I have any say in the reclamation plan? The Montana legislature decided that when private lands are reclaimed at public expense, if possible, some of the funds should come back to the public where there is an increase in value. If no significant increase is likely, no lien is filed. If the project manager is unavailable, calls and visits can be directed to abandoned mine reclamation supervisors. impoundment: A closed basin, naturally formed or artificially built, which is dammed or excavated for the retention of water, sediment, or waste. 1,500 sites in sixteen counties have been identified so far. Structure repair would be the responsibility of your insurance carrier. Also, a proposed SMCRA reclamation site cannot be within an area that has been designated for remedial action under the federal uranium control law or under the federal "superfund" law. gangue: The worthless minerals that are associated with the valuable minerals in an ore. As much of this gangue as possible is removed by the processes of concentrating and smelting. Most of the gold seekers came with only a pick and shovel to look for the golden nuggets, flakes, and dust. mining: The process of obtaining useful minerals from the earth's crust including both underground and surface workings. If a lien is to be filed, before and after appraisals must be done by an independent appraiser. There was continued activity up into the decade of the 1920's in the mineral districts. This would only occur if the reclamation results in a significant increase in fair market value of the private land at public expense. How can I report a dangerous abandoned mine site? land use: Specific use or management-related activity, rather than the vegetation or cover of the land. Early in the planning stages of reclamation, The Department of Environmental Quality staff contact landowners so that they may be involved in the process. Now, only one underground mine, located near Roundup, still operates in Montana. Montana has completed reclamation of its abandoned coal mines, but if any new problems occur, DEQ will address them right away. compliance: Conducting extraction and reclamation activities in accordance with the requirements of Montana and federal laws. DEQ attorneys provide legal counsel and interpretations of state and federal mining statutes and other environmental laws that affect the reclamation program. In 1862, miners near Bannack had constructed a crude water powered stamp from old wagon parts and were busy pounding the gold from the quartz on the Dakota Lode. A solution with a pH of 7 is considered neutral. SMCRA funded sites can only be those that are truly abandoned -- where there is no one who can be held responsible for the needed reclamation. The abandoned mine reclamation staff is always willing to meet members of the public who become actively involved in reclamation projects one-on-one. If necessary, contractors are called back to the site to re-do certain parts of the reclamation work. Will DEQ fix up my house if it is on an abandoned mine site? Today Montana's economy is heavily based on its diverse recreational opportunities. Owners are always asked to consent to the reclamation of abandoned mines on their property, and owner involvement and requests are important factors in project design and operations. Montana's abandoned mine reclamation work is largely privatized. Others came also with the knowledge that gold could be found in the native rock of the surrounding hillsides and they spent their time searching for the motherlode. DEQ technical staff includes professionals of all relevant scientific disciplines, including geology, cartography, biology and archaeology. 2 4,060 mines were in production at … Any gold-bearing ore, including waste from previous mining operations, could be run through a diluted solution of sodium cyanide and the gold leached out. DEQ involves the local community in the site investigation and reclamation plan so that the concerns of people affected by projects can be identified and addressed. coal seam: A bed or layer of coal in the earth. Our ultimate goal is to protect public health and to maintain Montana's Montana's abandoned mine reclamation work is largely privatized. DEQ: The State of Montana Department of Environmental Quality. Cyanide processing was so cheap and easy that it ultimately doubled the world’s gold production. Using geographic location equipment, DEQ prepared site maps showing tailings piles, ponds, streams, structures, etc. To date, Montana has addressed many long-abandoned mine and mill sites on both private and public lands. subsoil: The layer of soil beneath the topsoil. A thorough search of the public records is done so that landowners, mining claim holders and also any known leaseholders can be contacted early. These days, Montana's coal industry is characterized by the development of a handful of large open-pit mines located in the eastern and southeastern areas of the state. Cities brought lawsuits against mining companies for the pollution of municipal water supplies by mining wastes. Also, bidders are required to carry substantial insurance and they must assure the DEQ that they are qualified to perform the necessary work and that the specialized equipment needed will be available to get the job done within the short project time frames. Now these old mines and mills have been restored and revegetated. Railroad promotional efforts encouraged new settlers and tourists to keep coming to Montana. Browns Gulch, Granite Creek, Williams Gulch. These coal mining areas were usually dominated by one large industrial complex owned by a railroad or smelting company. Gold and silver continued to be produced, but usually as by-products from the processing of other ores. Granville and James Stuart, recently from California, had heard the tale of a Hudson Bay Company fur trader who found gold near their camp. Located around the state, gravel pits can pose a particular danger, since they are typically located near places where people live. Otherwise, DEQ's reclamation adds no further limitations on a landowner's use of property. For instance, often, seeded areas are fenced for a time to ensure successful revegetation. Before any reclamation can be done on a specific project, DEQ must request funding through an individual project grant application process. With abandoned gravel pits, DEQ's first task is to inventory the known sites across the state and document any problems they may pose. As a result, the pit is laden with heavy metals and dangerous chemicals that leach from the rock, including copper, arsenic, cadmium, zinc, and sulfuric acid. Eligible abandoned mine reclamation projects are paid for out of a national trust fund that is paid for by coal mining companies’ payment of a fee assessed for each ton of coal that is mined in the United States. Located on or near the mainline railroad tracks, these mine complexes included coal processing plants which cleaned and sorted huge tonnages of coal dug from extensive underground workings by men who came from all over the world. DEQ must do all things necessary to restore the land and prevent further adverse effects from past mining practices. Lode mining expanded throughout the 1880's until it became the Territory’s major industry, attracting sufficient capital to support large-scale operations. Rich ores that couldn’t be processed locally had to be sent out for smelting -- often overseas. acid mine drainage: Water mixed with sulfuric acid and having a pH of less than 6.0 discharging from an active or abandoned mine and/or the surrounding affected area. high quality of life for current and future generations. As a result of this effort, several of Montana's worst sites have already been reclaimed. This is the federal agency that oversees the work of state agencies enforcing the federal coal mining and reclamation law. This information is available for public inspection and copies may be made at the DEQ office. But for the most part, reclaimed abandoned mine lands are not suitable for intensive farming and landowners are cautioned against plowing or other practices (such as overgrazing) that could destroy the vegetation or cause erosion, which may expose buried materials. It also depends on the important contribution of industry sectors such as mining. Even if the reclamation will significantly increase the fair market value of private property, DEQ may waive the filing of a lien under three circumstances: What information is available about old mine sites and where can I get it? The Abandoned Mine Section is a part of the Mine Waste Cleanup Bureau within DEQ's Remediation Division. But ultimately Montana’s copper mines were a far greater source of wealth than were the early gold and silver mines. Before a project is bid, the DEQ project manager holds a pre-bid meeting with potential bidders so they can fully understand the work that needs to be done and the equipment and qualifications necessary to complete the job before they submit a bid. The Butte District was Montana’s largest producer of silver. Once the cleanup alternative is chosen and all necessary permits and clearances have been obtained, DEQ sends a complete project application package to OSM. If your home or other property is damaged by an active mine, contact DEQ's regulatory branch for appropriate action.