Are you certain this article is inappropriate? Article XIV – Grants permission to the High Court of Russia to build a public church "of the Greek ritual" in Constantinople. Article XVIII – The Castle of Kinburn remains under "full, perpetual, and incontestable" dominion of the Empire of Russia. Funding for and content contributors is made possible from the U.S. Congress, E-Government Act of 2002. At Milestone Documents, we believe that engaging with history’s original voices is exciting for students and liberating for instructors.

Print. The Treaty of Küçük Kaynarca Küçük Kaynarca Antlaşması (also spelled Kuchuk Kainarji) was a peace treaty signed on 21 July 1774, in Küçük Kaynarca (today Kaynardzha, Bulgaria) between the Russian Empire and the Ottoman Empire. Küçük Kaynarca, Peace Treaty of. In turn, the Sublime Porte promises to observe amnesty of all crimes committed or suspected to have been committed by these people against the interests of the Sublime Porte. If the file has been modified from its original state, some details such as the timestamp may not fully reflect those of the original file. Russia returned Wallachia and Moldavia to the Ottoman Empire, but was given the right to protect Christians in the Ottoman Empire[3] and to intervene in Wallachia and Moldavia in case of Ottoman misrule. And, from the day the treaty is established, the Sublime Porte will require no taxes of these people for two years. Article XIII – Subjects of the Ottoman Empire must evoke the title of the Empress of all the Russias in all public acts and letters. [4] This latter territory included the port of Kherson. The treaty also granted Russia several non-geographic items. It is not in conformity with the Turkish, Russian, or Italian texts of the treaty, and may or may not be an innocent mistake, according to Roderic H. Davison. The treaty was a most humiliating blow to the once-mighty Ottoman realm. In a letter of gratitude to Count Peter Aleksandrovich Rumiantsov, her field marshal and negotiator, Catherine II expressed her thoughts on a treaty the likes of which Russia has never had before.

The most significant aspect of this treaty to naval history is that it gave Russia access to warm water ports and passage through the Dardanelles. The Ottomans were to pay a large indemnity to the Russians and address the Russian sovereign as padisah, the title reserved for the Ottoman sultan.