The sound of footsteps, doors opening and closing, voices, all can be a very frightening part of sleep paralysis. I remembered waking up in a panic feeling like i had been physically and spiritually attacked. I had red marks on my neck.. had my wife not spoken .. the old women would have killed me.. The old hag syndrome is characterized by sleep paralysis. Upon waking I would be unable to resume sleep for at least a few hours. They call it "sleep paralysis" or SP (sometimes ISP for "isolated sleep paralysis").

I am 42. I told her what happened and she believed me and just told me I must be dreaming or something.

The “Old Hag” syndrome. Sometimes I have to try over and over, but eventually I can break it.

Medications are provided to clients. The old hag strikes! Although that explanation isn't taken very seriously nowadays, the perplexing and often very frightening nature of the phenomenon leads many people to believe that there are supernatural forces at work - ghosts or demons. The treatment course for old hag syndrome is aimed to manage the manifestations and to avoid recurrence of the undesirable episodes: Prevention is possible with this condition.

.. exactly the way I describe it to a tee. And like the above reader, they are often quite frightened about what is happening to them. I could not move and could not scream.

It has been proposed that the affectation of the REM sleep is one of the causes.
Kind of dread going back to sleep. This happened me last night for the first time.

Dr. Max Hirshkowitz, director of the Sleep Disorders Center at the Veterans Administration Medical Center in Houston, says that sleep paralysis occurs when the brain is in the transition state between deep, dreaming sleep (known as REM sleep for its rapid eye movement) and waking up. ", Spirit Lovers: Incubus and Succubus Attacks, Haunted Christmas: Yuletide Tales of Ghosts and Spirits, Sleep Paralysis, Incubus and Succubus Attacks.

I don’t know what to do. The above incident is a classic example of what has become known as the "old hag" syndrome and is one of many such letters I receive from readers each month. I really don’t. Sometimes I see a shadow/ black figure, sometimes it talks (once it said “falling” over and over and when I woke I was on my back with my waste pushed over like someone pushed my waste from the side) but I try to stay calm and break it by forcing my body to move.

Home » Old Hag Syndrome – Symptoms, Causes and Treatment. I was ganging . I actually felt like my soul was about to be ripped from my body, it was evil and i felt totally hopeless, scared and violated. The name of the phenomenon comes from the superstitious belief that a witch -- or an old hag -- sits or "rides" the chest of the victims, rendering them immobile. Thanks for the information. At other times, there seems to be pressure on the chest, as though someone or something perched there.

Pingback: Upper Motor Neuron Lesion Disease, Damage, Signs, Causes. Very Interesting. exercise regularly (but not too close to bedtime). Here is a fairly typical example of an "old hag" experience from a reader named Emily: "When I was about 9 or 10 (I'm 17 now), I woke up and couldn't move at all. But how do you account for those who awake next morning , covered in bruise’s and marks on their back and arms ? Others are in denial that such phenomenon occurred to them or cannot share the experience to others. throughout the night. It can occur while the victim is sleeping during the day or night, and it is a worldwide phenomenon that has been documented since ancient times. My “Christian” aunt told me it was the devil. Granted that this is a form of sleep paralysis with some possible neurological disorder but what i can’t understand is how people from all over the world and from different culture experience almost the same images and describe them in a similar vocabulary.
With efforts i can hit back at the hag. When I opened my eyes, I saw like a shadow thing about a foot away from my face in the shape a head. Antenatal Screening For Syndrome Detection, Old Hag Syndrome – Symptoms, Causes and Treatment, Prune Belly Syndrome - Pictures, Symptoms, Treatment and Causes, Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome Hormonal Management & Case Studies, SyndromesPedia – Medical Syndromes Information Portal, Poland Syndrome – Pictures, Symptoms, Causes, Surgery, Treatment, Upper Motor Neuron Lesion Disease, Damage, Signs, Causes, Healing and Protection (and a bonus) – Ethical Paganism. I did not realize the gravity of the situation until my husband began shifting – his personality, demeanor, thoughts and even his appearance. The above incident is a classic example of what has become known as the "old hag" syndrome and is one of many such letters I receive from readers each month. The experience is so frightening because the victims, although paralyzed, seem to have full use of their senses. I am just really scared and confused. I’m an atheist. The following are the said triggering factors for an episode of old hag syndrome: Treatment for old hag syndrome is not directed in eliminating the disease itself. It’s happened to me 2 times one was just 10 mins ago and I see the old hag and I try to call to my girl to wake me but can’t the messed up part is that both times I can’t move but she chokes me when I wake up I feel the pain on my neck like it really happened it scares the crap outta me. To comfort myself, i hold my wife’s hand just before sleeping. This can provide awareness on the part of the affected thus assisting them in avoiding the risk factors associated with the syndrome. The sufferers complain of an inability to move when most of their senses are working properly.

Glad I am not the only one who was bothered. Some research shows that sleep paralysis is five times more likely to occur with people who are taking such anti-anxiety drugs as Xamax or Valium.

thanx for the info and there’s one thing I have noticed if you leave the light on and sleep it does not happen. But there are some theories: How can you prevent sleep paralysis?

Your email address will not be published. Bullshit.

Is there a rational explanation for these freaky experiences? "In the 2nd century, the Greek physician Galen attributed it to indigestion," according to The Encyclopedia of Ghosts and Spirits by Rosemary Ellen Guiley. same here it was like someone hold me down I was calling out no one could hear me iam so scared when I get it once it get myself out off it its hard for me to go back to sleep. It hasn't happened since. There is sometimes the feeling of a great weight on the chest and the sense that there is a sinister or evil presence in the room.

It was so horrible. I’ve seen shadows/dark figures- one said “falling” over and over and I woke lying on my back but curved as if someone pushed my hips from the side.

I saw her face. I new nothing about this till we saw it on t.v. There may even be sexual attacks associated with the hallucinations.

Over the years this "thing" has kind of metamorphosized into a dark being, something who is doing this deliberately to me for some reason. It is more common in people who suffer from severe anxiety or bipolar disorder. The cure for the said syndrome is not yet known, as the exact cause is not definite. I wish I had a clear, concise answer as to how to stop these types of experiences. I am a 27 year old female and have been suffering for the past 12 or so years. I wiggle my fingers like crazy and it eventually snaps me out of it but I don’t like that old hag.

It is beneficial on their parts when they avoid taking stimulants before sleeping.

I break through the paralysis as if it was a body cast.

When spoken to, she gives you vague information on where … After having the most stressful year come to a head over the past few months, and as a result, my husband and I currently living separately, these experiences have worsened for him. Old hag is starting to get all sexual on me.