[2][3] Upon the death of his father, Orgrim became wielder of the Doomhammer and second-in-command to Blackhand. Soon after the Frostwolves would be destroyed with Durotan, Draka, Go'el, and a guilt driven Doomhammer the only known survivors. Orgrim stopped him and told him it was not necessary, explaining his reasons for staying anonymous. Unlike his main universe counterpart who was from Blackrock clan and the second-in-command of Blackhand, the movie Orgrim is from the Frostwolf clan and the second-in-command of Durotan.

This orc, discovered to be the long-lost son of Durotan, had escaped after being raised a slave by humans and had begun searching for his people. Orgrim also made a pact with Lord Perenolde, the ruler of Alterac. Warchief of The Horde, The Backstabber, The Doomhammer, World of Warcraft lore lesson 19 Orgrim Doomhammer. But, like Durotan, he began to wonder if the orcs had been deceived. On occasion, he will save the strongest among his enemies for last, relishing the chance to hone his martial skill against a worthy opponent.[13]. Some sources claim it was before Orgrim became Warchief,[4] while others state it was after Orgrim had defeated Blackhand. Orgrim Doomhammer falls in the liberation of the internment camps. At BlizzCon 2013, it was revealed that Anduin Lothar and Durotan would be the focus of the film. The treacherous human allowed Orgrim and the Horde to pass unimpeded through the mountain passes towards Lordaeron's Capital City, in exchange for the assurance that his nation would not be attacked by the Horde. When Durotan must pick one of the clan to serve as his second, there is never any question who it will be — unwavering in his loyalty yet unafraid to pop his chieftain’s sour moods when they arise with a quip or even a sarcastic gibe, Orgrim may not be the most conventional lieutenant, but he proves to be potentially the best one Durotan could have chosen. Doomhammer would bare witness to the parlay between Gul'dan and Garad, where the later refused to join the Horde. When Durotan and Drek’Thar discovered that Draenor was dying and the spirits could not save them, it was Orgrim who was holding the Frostwolves together and fighting in single combat with the leader of the Red Walkers — a tribe of Orcs who rejected all civilized behavior and descended into cannibalism, eating Draenei and Orcs alike in their mania to survive — and it was Orgrim who defeated him. It’s a good story. Begging at Doomhammer's feet, Gul'dan reminded him that with the Shadow Council gone he was the last true sorcerer within the Horde, and that they would need him against the human wizards. [8], Under his command, the Horde was able to wreak havoc on the northlands, conquering most of Khaz Modan and gravely damaging Lordaeron and Quel'Thalas. He is portrayed by Robert Kazinsky. That sums up this version of Orgrim — as fierce an Orc as has ever lived, but willing to defer to his friend’s judgement, to accept his friend and future chieftain’s decision when told to back down. When the Horde was launching the final and massive attack on Lordaeron's Capital City, Gul'dan's Stormreaver Clan, along with Cho'gall's Twilight's Hammer, and all others loyal to the warlock, abandoned the Horde and set sail to the south. He went on to explain that he had a plan to break free the imprisoned orcs, and Thrall and Drek'thar agreed to help.

The former internment camp where he fell is now the Horde base of Hammerfall, located in the Arathi Highlands.

You may know the story of Orgrim Doomhammer, second in command of the Blackrock, who slew his own chieftain to become Warchief of the Horde. Although Orgrim was internally opposed to the war against the draenei he followed Blackhand's orders and even gave in to the blood lust Gul'dan had cultivated. By accepting you agree to our privacy policy. But Orgrim was less and less convinced about the decisions Blackhand made, and was growing more suspicious about Gul'dan's motives. When Gul'dan fell into a coma, trying to pry the secrets from the head of the dying Medivh, Orgrim took this chance to seize power by killing the Warchief, and becoming the leader of the Horde. He had implied the Frostwolves were cowards and that the orcs as a race could not defeat the humans in order to see whether Thrall would stand up for his clan and people, and Thrall had not disappointed him. With his last breath, Orgrim gave the title of Warchief, along with his great warhammer and black armor, to Thrall. Their unnamed baby was thought dead, but was instead found by Aedelas Blackmoore, who named him Thrall and raised him as a slave.

Doomhammer would join the Horde in attacking the humans but like his Chieftain Durotan, would refuse to raid the defenseless towns seeing no honor in attacking those who could not defend themselves. I did not see how we could side with the humans against our own kind. Orgrim Doomhammer is former second-in-command of the Frostwolf clan, and childhood friend of the late chieftain Durotan. Around this time Durotan arrived to see Orgrim. You can help expand it by editing it. Orgrim of the Blackrocks and Durotan of the Frostwolves originally met whilst secreting away as children from the sleeping tent during the Kosh'harg festival in Nagrand. He merely wants the clan to have the best possible leader. [5], In light of the war with Redwalkers and hardships had taken a toll on the Frostwolves, Doomhammer would support Durotan's order to join the Horde.[6]. Orgrim had heard of this Thrall before from Grom Hellscream, whom Thrall had met before he began searching for his clan. He was one of the few orcs that didn't drink the blood of Mannoroth, claiming to be unworthy to drink from the same vessel as the Warchief and chieftains. NEXT | Doomhammer would join the Horde in attacking the humans but like his Chieftain Durotan, would refuse to raid the defenseless towns seeing no honor in attacking those who could not defend themselves.

Durotan's son, Thrall, was determined to find a way to free the captive orcs and restore them to their former glory. He is unendingly loyal to those who prove their strength and service, but quick to avenge himself on those who attack him or his allies. It’s Orgrim who encourages Durotan to ask Draka to be his mate, and Doomhammer is one of the first to recognize her value to the clan and to his best friend. There are no conflicted loyalties, no contradictory friendship across clan lines, no long separations between clan festivals where the young Orcs can meet and share experiences. [4], Sometime later the spirits would be able to get a message of sorts to Drek'Thar and Durotan decided to lead a party north to aid the spirits, while leaving Draka and Doomhammer in charge. This Know Your Lore focuses on events from the Durotan novel and is part of the Warcraft movie continuity. Unknown to the Redwalkers the weakened spirits still had enough energy to give one final gift to the Frostwolves and Durotan and his party rushed south and the Frostwolves under the command of Draka and Orgrim Doomhammer fought to kill their enemies. Disable ads, get exclusive content, and more! Rather than the bloodthirsty warriors he had led in battle, Doomhammer found only lethargic, wasted souls. Wielder of the mighty Doomhammer, Orgrim is fiercely loyal to his Chieftain Durotan. During their escape they ran into a brigade of draenei who rescued the lads.

A furious Doomhammer and other orcs would call Gul'dan a cheater who had no respect for their ways and only by killing these dissidents would Gul'dan hold over the Horde remain secure. Gul’dan’s fel magic is destroying us.". It is not canonical to the events of the RTS games or World of Warcraft. Chasing him to the Tomb of Sargeras, Orgrim sent part of the Blackrock Clan and the Black Tooth Grin clan to engage both the Stormreaver and Twilight's Hammer forces. Orgrim and Durotan never stopped being friends. And the  big orc is capable of great cunning and stealth, when it’s called for. Doomhammer would loyally aid Durotan in battle against the Red Walker clan and quickly come to realize the attraction between Durotan and the returned from exile Draka. Gul'dan and his warlocks entered the Tomb of Sargeras but were slain by the demons within. Orgrim’s rise to the position of second of the Frostwolves comes as the Frostwolves themselves must endure the slow death of their world. Doomhammer would later witness the parlay between Gul'dan and Durotan, when the warlock once again offered the Frostwolves a place in the Horde. Doomhammer readily agreed, despite (correctly) suspecting Gul'dan of treachery. Hellscream had nothing but good things to say about the youth. This isn’t the Orgrim Doomhammer we’ve always known, but it is an Orgrim Doomhammer we can recognize. World of Warcraft: Rise of the Horde characters, World of Warcraft: Tides of Darkness characters, World of Warcraft: Arthas: Rise of the Lich King characters, The Dark Portal and the Fall of Stormwind, https://wowwiki.fandom.com/wiki/Orgrim_Doomhammer?oldid=2839604. Durotan and Orgrim peer into the distance. While technically not forbidden, it was considered against tradition by the Blackrock and Frostwolf clans to which they belonged. As such, instead of his traditional black-plate armor, the film Orgrim wears the usual tribal clothing of the Frostwolf clan.