MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia [On-line information]. Accessed November 2012. © 2020 Laboratory Corporation of America® Holdings. Transmission of this virus through the air or blood does not normally occur. It can also be positive in people with lymphoma, lupus, and some gastrointestinal cancers, although it is not used as a diagnostic or screening tool for these conditions. Available online at American Family Physician [On-line journal]. But you can help Some of the more common signs and symptoms of mono include: Some people may experience additional signs and symptoms such as: The test may be repeated when it is initially negative but suspicion of mono remains high. Infants and young kids infected with EBV usually Accessed June 14, 2016. cough into a tissue or your elbow (not your hands), and keep your drinks and eating

return to school after your fever is gone, you may still feel tired. A negative mono test requires careful interpretation. Infectious mononucleosis is characterized by a particular set of symptoms that most often affects adolescents. This population is rarely tested, however, because they do not usually have symptoms of infectious mononucleosis. Corbett, JV. Note: All information on TeensHealth® is for educational purposes only. Your doctor will usually order a complete blood count (CBC) and an antibody test. Periodically, the virus can reactivate, and it is commonly found in the saliva of infected persons. The virus is present in the saliva of an infected person and is easily spread from person to person through close contact such as kissing and through sharing utensils or cups. Ebell, M. (2004 October 1).

When you start feeling better, take it slow and don't overdo it. Mononucleosis (pronounced: mah-no-noo-klee-OH-sus), or infectious mononucleosis, Schmid, S., Leader Herpesvirus Group (2005 September 13, Updated). (Mar 2011) Cohen, J. et al. Epstein-Barr virus is very common and very contagious. (Mar 2015) Womack, J. and Jimenez, M. American Association of Family Physicians.

Available online at Mononucleosis spot test. 2019;25(6):431-436. doi:10.1016/j.jiac.2019.01.012, Ⓒ 2020 About, Inc. (Dotdash) — All rights reserved. In some teens, though, the tiredness If they seem to linger or get worse, or if you have any other questions, call Although the symptoms of infectious mononucleosis usually go away in 1 or 2 months, EBV remains inactive in a few cells in the body for the rest of the person's life. Accessed June 13, 2016. If your monospot test is negative but you have all the symptoms of mono, your doctor will likely repeat the test before doing more extensive antibody tests. Medscape Reference [On-line information]. To date, there is no laboratory evidence indicating that EBV infection causes chronic fatigue syndrome. consult your doctor. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: Epstein-Barr Virus and Infectious Mononucleosis, Combatting Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement, Swollen glands in the neck and/or armpits, If symptoms and reactive lymphocytes are present but the mono test is negative, then it may be too early to detect the heterophile antibodies or the affected person may be one of a small percentage of people who do not make heterophile antibodies. UpToDate. The mono test is 71% to 90% accurate and may be used as an initial test for diagnosing infectious mononucleosis.

Is Epstein-Barr Virus Linked to Autoimmune Disease? Wash your hands well and often, sneeze or The mono test is primarily ordered when a person, especially a teen or young adult, has symptoms that a healthcare practitioner suspects are due to infectious mononucleosis. The CBC is used to determine whether the number of white blood cells (WBCs) is elevated and whether a significant number of reactive lymphocytes are present. What to Know About an Upper Respiratory Infection, Penicillin VK: Uses, Side Effects, Dosages, Precautions, Beyond Zika: What to Know About Mosquito-Borne Diseases, can appear much like the symptoms of strep throat, Clinical differentiation of infectious mononucleosis that is caused by Epstein-Barr virus or cytomegalovirus: A single-center case-control study in Japan, Pagana, K. D. & Pagana, T. J. Henry's Clinical Diagnosis and Management by Laboratory Methods. This means illness when symptoms are most severe. Accessed May 2009. usually is caused by the Epstein-Barr virus (EBV). The virus is then "dormant," or inactive. This Doctor Discussion Guide has been sent to {{}}.

Laboratory Tests & Diagnostic Procedures with Nursing Diagnoses, 4th ed. Don't do any strenuous activities until your doctor What Should I Know About Epstein-Barr Virus?

(Jan 2014) Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. About Infectious Mononucleosis, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia [On-line information]. Heart problems or involvement of the central nervous system occur only rarely. Mono-like symptoms can be seen in infections other than Epstein-Barr virus. (spit). Blood. Available online at

The symptoms of the disease usually resolve with supportive treatment, such as plenty of rest and fluids, in one to four months. to liver failure and death. Most colds and other viral infections get better after seven days, so the 10-day point is a good indicator that you're dealing with something beyond these self-resolving illnesses. The symptoms most likely to send you to the doctor are swollen lymph nodes in the neck, extreme fatigue, sore throat, fever, and body aches that have lasted for longer than 10 days.. Mono is usually caused by the Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) or similar viruses, but strep throat and some other conditions may need to be ruled out.

Please note: not all lab locations offer all services. You may be tested for cytomegalovirus or Toxoplasma antibodies. Symptoms can sometimes be confused with those of a cold or the flu. The mononucleosis tests are blood tests which She will perform a physical evaluation where she will look in the back of your throat for the typical spots (petechiae), feel your neck and other areas where you may have swollen lymph nodes, and listen to your lungs.

These lymphocytes will also have an atypical appearance when the medical technologist examines the blood under the microscope. Lymphocytes are a part of your body's immune system and it is natural for them to be elevated during certain types of infections. The test is used to detect proteins in the blood called heterophile antibodies that are produced by the immune system in response to an Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) infection, the most common cause of mono. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), most people in the United States are infected by EBV at some point in their lives. ​LabCorp's test menu provides a comprehensive list of specialty and general laboratory testing services. Signs of mono usually show up about 1–2 months after someone is infected

Accessed November 2012. Available online at This can help your doctor make a diagnosis if the symptoms don't go away on their own by day 10. Smith, D. S. (Updated 2008 September 3). Available online at The spread of Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) requires contact with the saliva of an infected person as occurs with kissing; however, kissing does not have to occur for infection to arise. Chernecky, CC & Berger, BJ. Diagnosis of mono is confirmed with blood testing - either a monospot test, or a full-blown blood test for EPV. Epstein-Barr Virus and Infectious Mononucleosis. Infectious Mononucleosis (Mono) Disease Fact Sheet. Hirsch, L. (Reviewed 2011 January). Epstein-Barr Virus Infectious Mononucleosis. It goes away on its own after a few Other agents that can produce these symptoms include cytomegalovirus (CMV), adenovirus, human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), rubella, hepatitis A, human herpesvirus-6, and the parasite Toxoplasma gondii.. A positive mono test with an increased number of white blood cells and reactive lymphocytes on a blood smear in the presence of symptoms associated with mono indicates a likely diagnosis of infectious mononucleosis. eMedicine [On-line information]. If a doctor uses a monospot test, it can be falsely positive when the patient has conditions that include hepatitis, leukemia, lymphoma, rubella, systemic lupus erythematosus, and toxoplasmosis.

have very mild symptoms or none at all. It is important not to rely on self-diagnosis for mono as the symptoms could be those of illnesses that need a different course of treatment. Heterophile antibodies decline after the sixth week of illness, and the mono test will become negative as the infection resolves. But infected teens and young adults often Influenza can also mimic some of the symptoms of mono but usually doesn't produce swollen neck glands. Infectious Mononucleosis Workup. for being selfish. Your blood may be analyzed in a laboratory for antibodies, although this test isn't strictly needed for a diagnosis of infectious mononucleosis. As with EBV mono, only supportive treatment is recommended. Mono treatment. weeks of rest.

Medscape Reference [On-line information].

You probably won't immediately suspect you or your child has mono because the early symptoms are like those of a cold, the flu, or strep throat. Andy Miller, MD, is board-certified in internal medicine and infectious disease. Aspirin has been If a mono test is negative and suspicion it still high, then a test specific for EBV antibodies is usually performed. 373-374.

It's nicknamed "the kissing disease" because it can spread through kissing. For these reasons, it is almost impossible to prevent spreading the virus and nearly everyone will have had an EBV infection, but not necessarily mono, by the time that they are 40 years old.

and resting as much as you need to, you will soon be back to normal, usually within About Infectious Mononucleosis. A complete blood count (CBC) and blood smear are usually also performed, as mono is also characterized by a high white blood cell (WBC) count and the presence of atypical white blood cells (usually reported as reactive lymphocytes) as seen on a blood smear. There is no vaccine to protect against the Epstein-Barr virus. Philadelphia: WB Saunders. tell you when it's time to rest — listen to it. It goes away on its own after a few weeks of rest. This may also happen if you waited too long to see a doctor because the heterophile antibodies rapidly decrease after you've been infected for about four weeks.

You should see your doctor immediately with any of the serious symptoms of mono. Mononucleosis. Walk-ins are also welcome. Mosby's Diagnostic and Laboratory Test Reference 8th Edition: Mosby, Inc., Saint Louis, MO. When the mono test is negative and/or a healthcare practitioner wants to obtain more information about the presence and status of an EBV infection, the healthcare practitioner may order one or more of a combination of EBV antibodies.

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