Sign up for daily emails to get the latest Harvard news. Follow us on Facebook and Instagram and sign up for our monthly newsletter to keep in touch! Official news from Harvard covering innovation in teaching, learning, and research. Vantablack or potter’s pink, anyone? (“My mother” and “Michael Jackson” were two of the answers.). Cambridge,

Think of what you see as an apothecary shop for paintings. “The idea that physicians should be allowed to feel good in the midst of the pandemic, the importance of self-care, and worries about burnout are really serious issues,” said Odo, the museums’ director of academic and public programs. Take a virtual trip to the sea!

Check our calendar for a schedule of online live events. Growing out of the museums’ teaching, learning, and research mission, these publications invite students, scholars, and members of the public to explore and appreciate works of art: their aesthetics and ingenuity, their making and materiality, their history and conservation. 02138 Are you one of the following? Kent created the piece in 1965 as the U.S. increased its military commitment in Vietnam, “when it seemed like the world was falling apart,” said Odo.

The Harvard Art Museums does not charge a fee for the use of our images. That kind of black — who knew there were so many variations on what is commonly thought of as the absence color — comes from synthetic iron oxides. None of them is to be confused with bone black (made from burnt animal tusks, horns, and bones) or Mars black. Cambridge, Harvard Art Museums Straus director Narayan Khandekar and conservation coordinator Alison Cariens with the cabinets that hold the Forbes Pigment Collection at the Harvard Art Museums. 1 (617) 495-9400. Print Design | Editorial Design This is a biannual newsletter for special events at Harvard University’s Art Museums. 32 Quincy Street Growing out of the museums’ teaching, learning, and research mission, these publications invite students, scholars, and members of the public to explore and appreciate works of art: their aesthetics and ingenuity, their making and materiality, their history and conservation. 32 Quincy Street Cambridge, Photograph courtesy of the Harvard Art Museums/Promised gift of Robert S. and Betsy G. Feinberg . On loan from the Musée d’Orsay, Winslow Homer’s intriguing work Summer Night (1890) can be viewed for a limited time at the Harvard Art Museums. Newest. 32 Quincy Street Newsletter. What can the “President’s Chair,” a beloved historical object at Harvard, tell us about patriarchy? 02138 “I think anything that the museums can do to help is a good thing to be focusing on right now.”, In choosing Ligon’s homage to Wonder, initially there was no overarching idea to explore, Odo confessed. Emerald green, a favorite of Vincent Van Gogh, dominates his “Self-Portrait Dedicated to Paul Gauguin,” in Harvard’s collection. Museums.