You didn't talk about anything. Build Inclusive Cultures.

You would invite us, obviously. “Bono is sweet, he’s funny. Are you going to pin it up? PR:                             And so… but you spent your time in the White House especially you were surrounded by like Secret Service….

Like, she didn’t even see us.

JW:                             Seriously, thank you so much.

And I liked it. 'I’ve been having a great time. You all know nothing. And I think that it happens all of the time and it's actually something that we don't speak about very often. ", 'So I stepped up and I said, "Excuse me?" PR:                             Mish, OK. JW:                             Let me just ... can I just throw out as well… Mich. The pair had a four-episode run on HBO this February, with their live specials set to return in 2019. You know, so you wind up, as you know, you have a whole strategy for hair that I'm sure a lot of white women are sitting over there going, man I didn't know all that was going on. It knows no race. So, if I'm not sharing with them, they won't share with me.

We're all struggling and stumbling and trying to figure that out. ", The woman who cut didn't even apologized, and 'never looked me in my eye.'. And that's, at the core of it, which people don't understand, it's like, getting your hair done every day will mess with your hair. PR:                             All right. MO:                            It’s like, what does that mean? JW:                             I love that. JW:                             Wow… wow, Michelle Obama. My 4 daughters and I enjoy this podcast together and discuss, reflect, and relate to the topics. Want more Rolling Stone? And, how that girl feels, how you would feel in that situation. MO:                            So if I'm going to color it, I'm going to color somebody else's hair, and then put that on my head… so that I'm not messing up. PR:                             And I was gonna ask you -- ... surrounded by people, you toot as well?

You're good…. WITI is redefining the way women and men collaborate to drive innovation and business growth and is helping corporate partners create and foster gender inclusive cultures. Because, we'd have to host parties every day. Just because he wasn’t born into one doesn’t mean that the support and togetherness didn’t exist for him—he just created it himself. How angry you'd feel.
But they also can lead to great reflection and understanding about who we are and what we need in life. It's like have the feeling, don't deny the feeling exists, I'm not gonna pretend like I'm not angry. I was like dude, yes, I was trying to tell him please, please don't get on the floor. He challenged me to a pushup contest.

If I said these three words, it would all be over. You could be a Girl Scout troop down the street and you hear about the issue and it's like we have a bake sale. You know, and I was just in a room the other day with a bunch of really powerful black women, you know.