They revealed themselves after Whitebeard accepted Oden into the crew three days later.

But what do you think of Nekomamushi and Inuarashi's Sulong transformations? They then entered Kaido's castle, fought their way to the Performance Stage, and launched an all-out attack on Kaido. [55] Nekomamushi bersiap untuk melawan Jack, dan senang melihat Bajak Laut Hati membantu para Penjaga dalam pertempuran. The latest few chapters of the series have been spent setting the stage for the various character match ups and battles now that the war for the fate of Wano has officially kicked off on Onigashima. [74], On the way to Onigashima, the group was confronted by Kaido and his crew in the Udon region. MENU.

From the East Blue to the New World, anything related to the world of One Piece belongs here! Blood Type: Setelah menjelaskan bahwa dia tidak bisa pergi karena kemungkinan Weevil akan menyerang desa juga, Marco meminta Nekomamushi untuk menyampaikan pesan kepada Luffy. Birthday: [68], Two years later after the birth of Kozuki Momonosuke and Oden got a bounty, Nekomamushi noticed that the newspaper hardly had any news about Wano Country. [63] When they were children, they were told of the pact the Mink Tribe made with the Kozuki Family. Oden and the Scabbards were then imprisoned in the Flower Capital and sentenced to be boiled alive in three days. Statistics His favorite food is lasagne. Imagine how Inuarashi would look in his sulong if Neko is like this. S[11] [60], Nekomamushi wields a staff resembling a jumonji yari with a fire-shaped blade on each end, which he can channel Electro through. [40], Seperti halnya Bepo , Nekomamushi merawat Pekoms meskipun berstatus bajak laut; setelah menemukan Pekoms terluka parah setelah ditembak beberapa kali, Nekomamushi berhadapan dengan Capone Bege , yang berada di dekatnya, dan menuntut untuk mengetahui siapa dia dan mengapa Pekoms terluka meskipun cedera sendiri belum sepenuhnya sembuh. [46] He and Inuarashi later fought against Jack again at Onigashima, this time using their Sulong forms, and ultimately defeated him. Julukan: He has wild, bushy blonde hair resembling a lion's mane running around his neck and down his back, and there is a scar running from the left side of his forehead down to his cheek. [13], When Bepo and the Heart Pirates arrived, Nekomamushi took them under his care because, despite his status as a pirate, Bepo was a native of the island. Soon afterward, as the Sanji Retrieval Team departed from Zou, Nekomamushi and the others were shocked when Luffy jumped off Zunesha with his party.[94].

Status: It looks like fans would witness a more powerful Nekomamushi avenging Oden and Zou based on the latest spoilers. “One Piece” Chapter 988 would reportedly reveal Nekomamushi’s trump card against Kaido. [45] After Jack incapacitated the minks with poison gas and tortured him for information regarding Raizo's whereabouts, Nekomamushi swore that he would never forget Jack's actions and that his curse would follow the pirate until he died. [34] Setelah Jack melumpuhkan bulu-bulu dengan gas beracun dan menyiksanya untuk informasi tentang keberadaan Raizo , Nekomamushi bersumpah bahwa ia tidak akan pernah melupakan tindakan Jack dan bahwa kutukannya akan mengikuti bajak laut sampai ia mati. Do you think they will be able to hold out along with the other Akazaya against Kaido? [83] Realizing that the remaining Straw Hats wanted the minks present to forget about what just happened, Nekomamushi told Wanda and Carrot to keep quiet about the incident and decided to look after Pekoms. Let us know your thoughts in the comments or you can even reach out to me directly about all things animated and other cool stuff @Valdezology on Twitter! Nekomamushi sangat setia kepada Keluarga Kozuki di Negeri Wano , yang ia layani sebagai pengikut di samping Inuarashi.
"Neko Mamushi", meskipun tidak ditulis dalam huruf kanji, berarti "Kucing Viper", yang digunakan terjemahan VIZ. [96] After Nekomamushi's ship climbed the waterfall, Nekomamushi contacted his fellow Scabbards in the Polar Tang and informed them that he would meet them at Onigashima. Nekomamushi confronts Bege after discovering an injured Pekoms. However, Marco arrived at Wano along with Nekomamushi and Izo, making Marco's message unnecessary. [14], Tidak seperti mantan temannya Inuarashi, Nekomamushi agresif dan tanpa ampun;[15] Inuarashi menggambarkannya sebagai "orang bodoh yang keras kepala dan keras kepala", membandingkannya dengan Jack sendiri,[16] dan dia benar-benar rela merusak Mokomo Dukedom yang bersejarah saat berperang, menyebut hal itu sebagai "detail kecil". While Kaido's pirates have dealt some damage to the Sulongs as well, Kaido admits that the transformation has just made them that much stronger than his crew could fight against.
Shortly afterward, Inuarashi and Nekomamushi escorted the samurai and the Straw Hats to a secret area in the Whale Forest where Raizo was hidden. [91], As the group left the secret room, Nekomamushi realized that he recognized Luffy's straw hat, which prompted Inuarashi to reveal that he and Nekomamushi once traveled with Oden aboard the ships of both Whitebeard and Roger, though they never went to Laugh Tale. Nekomamushi and Inuarashi also learned from Marco on how vast the world is. Tiba-tiba, Zou mulai gemetaran hebat, menyebabkan Nekomamushi yang terkejut menyadari bahwa Zunisha menangis sebelum bertanya-tanya untuk mengetahui apa yang sedang terjadi. [19], Terlepas dari perilakunya yang keras kepala dan terkadang kasar, Nekomamushi benar-benar peduli pada teman-teman dan sesama bulu cerpelai; dia merawat Bepo dan Bajak Laut Hati lainnya ketika mereka tiba di Zou[21] dan tidak mengharapkan mereka untuk membantunya mempertahankan Mokomo Dukedom melawan Beasts Pirates, meskipun ia terkesan ketika mereka memutuskan untuk tetap melakukannya. [90], After speaking more about Oden, Nekomamushi and Inuarashi offered the minks' help in fighting against Kaido, and after Momonosuke petitioned Luffy for his help, the minks formed an alliance with the Kozuki Family, Straw Hat Pirates, and Heart Pirates known as the Ninja-Pirate-Mink-Samurai Alliance. MangaManga - AnimeAnime Nekomamushi in the manga Chapter 809;[1] Episode 756[2] “One Piece” Chapter 988: Nekomamushi’s Trump Card.

Setelah Law memperingatkan Luffy tentang ancaman Kaido dan bahaya bahwa negara itu akan berada jika mereka tetap tinggal di Zou, Nekomamushi memutuskan untuk berpesta dengan para anggota aliansi dan bulu cerpelai lainnya. [27] Additionally, while being tortured by Jack and his men, Nekomamushi convinced the Beasts Pirates to aim their spears at him instead of at his incapacitated fellow minks. Woah it looks like it came straight out of a jinn book lol. [66], Ketika kelompok meninggalkan ruang rahasia, Nekomamushi menyadari bahwa dia mengenali Topi Jerami Luffy, yang mendorong Inuarashi untuk mengungkapkan bahwa dia dan Nekomamushi pernah bepergian dengan Oden naik kapal kedua Shirohige dan Roger, meskipun mereka tidak pernah pergi ke Raftel. It seemed like Nekomamushi is telling Kaido that if they were not able to defeat him last time, maybe this time would be different. All rights reserved. This is so good that I may be disappointed when he goes Sulong, Seeing how good carrots transformation was i have no doubt the rest of the minks sulong will be awesome. [48] Seperti semua Mink, ia dapat menggunakan Electro.