Regardless of what happens next, Brown said that his team has begun preparing for a retrial. 10 of those photos have been recovered from the court archives by Undisclosed. Here’s a short summary of the evidence against Syed: 1. DNA evidence that could have absolved Syed of any guilt was never tested, and Syed’s lawyer Maria Cristina Gutierrez never told him about the evidence despite knowing about it. Laboratory Division Mobile Unit Fingerprint Report 3/26/99 – Record of physical evidence recovered from Adnan’s home, written six days after the search, noting another item was recovered and submitted into evidence, without explanation. Those few sentences were instructions that “incoming calls are not reliable for determining location.”. Syed may not have remembered seeing and speaking to McClain at the Woodlawn Public Library at the time that state contends that he was killing Lee, but McClain does. Although he asserts his innocence to this day, he did confess during the original trial. The “Laboratory Division Mobile Unit Fingerprint Report”s are very valuable here, despite the name they are used for a lot more than just fingerprints. It was developed by the creators of This American Life and hosted by Sarah Koenig. This could mean either Tanveer’s work folio (photographed but barely relevant) or Adnan’s “Compositions” notebook (also photographed, contains an academic year planner) and was either found in the glove compartment or trunk, depending which paperwork you believe. I mean, if I had just seen a dead body, I feel like I’d tell someone else right away too. As mentioned, Wilds’ story had several inconsistencies between his original statements and subsequent testimonies. Without the cellphone evidence as corroboration for Wilds’ testimony, jurors will then have to decide who they find more credible — Wilds or McClain? Well, most of it was submitted to Evidence Control, and sometimes that’s all that happened. Prosecutor Vignarajah’s statement that Lee’s diary entries showed signs of intimate partner violence was never supported by expert testimony, nor was there any other evidence or witness testimony to support that claim.

Right (tennis) shoe, glove, notebook/pad/folio, t-shirt, all recovered from trunk –.
Link to Google maps location on N Franklintown Road – in satellite view the concrete blocks which mark the position of the 1999 parking place are visible. Sign up for our newsletter. It was Simpson who first honed in on a couple of sentences on a fax cover sheet sent by AT&T along with Syed’s subpoenaed “subscriber activity report,” from which a selected number of pages had been entered into evidence at trial. It is true that current and former significant others can reasonably be put at the top of the list of potential suspects in a murder, which means that Lee’s new boyfriend – who Serial listeners will remember as Don, Lee’s coworker at LensCrafters – should have been investigated as thoroughly as Syed, which he wasn’t.

Should the state retry Syed and attempt, once again, to prove that he killed Lee at approximately 2:30-2:35 on January 13, 1999, they should expect the defense to call McClain to testify. The Crime Lab’s role was to take prints, record the crime scene, and recover and document other evidence.
Adnan Syed is the subject of the popular podcast “Serial” that captured the audience of millions in 2014. Karl Merton Ferron/Baltimore Sun/TNS/Getty Images. Have your physical symptoms, such as sores, wounds, or pain, impacted your lifestyle or mental outlook? Asia McClain was one of Asia’s friends who claimed that she was with Syed at the library at the time of the murder.

Syed didn’t testify at trial, but a summary of one of his police statements was introduced as evidence, and in it, the then-17-year-old is straightforward about what he did on January 13, 1999: “[Adnan] told the police that he and Hae used to date. Do these symptoms appear near your inner thighs, armpits, chest, groin, or buttocks? Jay Wilds, one of Syed’s friends, testified that Syed borrowed Wilds’ car, and when he returned it, he had Lee’s body in the trunk and asked for help. The short story is this: Welch found that Syed’s trial attorney, the late Cristina Gutierrez, didn’t challenge the reliability of some potentially faulty cell-phone tower evidence – what the judge called the “foundation” of the state’s case – a mistake so egregious that it violated Syed’s right to effective counsel. The outgoing cell towers pings, on the other hand, are accurate, but they do not link Syed to Lee’s murder – unless the state tries to argue an entirely different timeline for the crime, which would require their star witness to change his testimony. BPD Evidence List, run at 9/29/99 14:00:10

Learn about us. At trial, the prosecution argued that Adnan’s status as Hae’s … The alternative is that Wilds changes his testimony again to support a narrative that can be corroborated by the outgoing calls, but that would not only further call into question his credibility, but the prosecution’s as well, and that’s unlikely to go over well with a judge or a jury. You may unsubscribe at any time. Everything else the prosecution presented at trial – the words “I want to kill” written on the back of a piece of paper in Syed’s notebook; inconsistent claims that Syed asked Lee for a ride after school; the “Nisha” call – was circumstantial. Sign up for the Thought Catalog Weekly and get the best stories from the week to your inbox every Friday. Judge Welch’s 59-page opinion breaks down his decisions on the issues raised by Syed’s defense attorneys, Justin Brown and Chris Nieto, in their appeal. Creepsters, our new Halloween mask and apparel line is here.