We audit each active listing twice a year. List and summarize the major comparable titles and explain why yours is different from each. Just remember…. ), Iris Literary Journal is published quarterly in print and ebook. This section could be anywhere from three to 20 pages – it needs to give a comprehensive, detailed map of what the book will contain. Please send only one submission per issue (one submission of poetry can include up to five poems). Assure Press Submission Manager Powered By Submittable - Accept and Curate Digital Content Guidelines for Assure Press Manuscripts and Iris Literary Journal Assure Press connects authors and artists with the world through inspirational and enlightening poetry, non-fiction, motivational, and educational literature that is mostly, but not only, in the English language. Where should you and your publisher work especially hard to get the book reviewed? Official Website of Assure Press Publishing & Consulting, LLC. We seek original ideas We publish books of the following genres: Include the first one or two chapters – not the introduction, but sample chapters that offer an accurate sense of the style, substance, and structure of the book. If the work is accepted elsewhere, just add a note through Submittable. -Upload your cover letter and poems in a single document, with each poem starting on a new page. What are the magazines and other media outlets that your target audience pays attention to? Receive two copies of the issue in which their work appears, and a one (1) year subscription to Iris literary journal (up to five issues valued up to $100). Book and Chapbook Manuscript Submissions … Check through your manuscript for spelling, grammar and formatting. Who is your core audience, the most likely purchasers of this book? READ HERE for a quick and dirty guide to the brutal world of publishing you are thinking of venturing into and what it will involve. They will be the first to read your submissions. Official Website of Assure Press Publishing & Consulting, LLC. We respond to all submissions by email. This section could be anywhere from three to 20 pages – it needs to give a comprehensive, detailed map of what the book will contain. View Your eSignature allows self-service for popular activities like claim submissions and policy maintenance. ), Fiction for Iris Literary Journal Submission Guidelines. Where should publicity be focused? For payers and insurance providers, templates make sending explanation of … We do our best to keep up, but it isn't always possible. Workshops? If another magazine accepts for publication work that you have also submitted to Assure Press for. Please be sure to send us work that has not been previously published in print or online. We seek original ideas We publish books of the following genres: We list broad pay categories rather than payment specifics. In the case of poetry, if part of your submission has been accepted by another publication, please notify us at [email protected]. Book and Chapbook Manuscript Submissions are accepted year-round. What are the magazines and other media outlets that your target audience pays attention to? Does it flow? Guidelines for Assure Press Manuscripts and Iris Literary Journal Assure Press connects authors and artists with the world through inspirational and enlightening poetry, non-fiction, motivational, and educational literature that is mostly, but not only, in the English language. Describe additional promotional opportunities you will pursue: Retaining a speakers bureau to book speaking opportunities. Note: Submission windows are subject to early closure if submissions exceed the maximum number we can consider per issue. Assure Press connects authors and artists with the world through inspirational and enlightening poetry, non-fiction, motivational, and educational literature that is mostly, but not only, in the English language. What makes you uniquely qualified to write and promote this book? We do charge a reading fee per general submission (fee waived for subscribers). List the appropriate excerpts and the 5 or 10 most important publications in which they could appear? Organizational connections? It is all I have dreamed about since I was a but a mere glint in my father’s eye. You are trying to accomplish two things with this section: prove there is an audience who would find your book interesting, as demonstrated by earlier, successful books while making clear how yours is different enough to compel those readers – and others – to buy it. Blurbs: What “name” people would be willing to contribute a blurb? In the document, please include title, byline, dramatis personae, and stage direction. What other media outlets do you regularly appear in? Please know that the submission fee helps us produce the journal. Other “legs”? Please contact us if you have any questions about your work. Please withdraw your work if it is accepted elsewhere. Who is your core audience, the most likely purchasers of this book? Include your last name and page number in the top right margin (header) of the first and each subsequent manuscript page. Iris Literary Journal is published quarterly in print and ebook. We do charge a $10 reading fee per general submission (fee waived for subscribers of Iris Literary Journal). Retaining an independent publicist. Subgenres include Fantasy, Memoir, Biography, Satire, Educational (i.e.Textbook, wellness, faith, self-help, etc. (Adapted from "Nonfiction Book Proposal Outline." ), Poetry for Iris Literary Journal Submission Guidelines, Iris Literary Journal is published quarterly in print and ebook.