Deadly Bomber, A Ki Blast from Vegeta deflects the S.S. It grossed a total of ¥2.55 billion (US $20.5 million). He makes his debut in the 1992 film Super Android 13!. In 2006, Toei Animation released Super Android 13! Even though there are no real world countries in the, In the FUNimation Dub, Vegeta and Piccolo break the fourth wall when Piccolo asks him if it (referring the film) is over, only for Vegeta to respond by saying not until the fish jumps. Oolong, Master Roshi, Krillin, and Future Trunks are standing in line for a pageant that displays the world's most beautiful women. Suddenly, Vegeta, Trunks and Goku all transform into Super Saiyans to fight back against the Androids. Super Saiyan Goku absorbs the Spirit Bomb's energy. It is the third Dragon Ball film confirmed to take place in a parallel world, along with, Interestingly, even though Android 13, 14, and 15 are not featured in the, In the series, shortly before Android 17 killed Dr. Gero, Android 18 tells him "You destroyed all the other androids up to 15." Gero's leaking blood reveals that Dr. Gero's Supercomputer is still working on three new Androids (Android 13, Android 14 and Android 15). Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Parts of 14 and 15 rise from the ground and fly towards the smiling Android.

Back at Dr. Gero’s lab, the final Android of the three, 13, awakens from his capsule as well. His super form mind controlled by Babidi is an available character in the Dragon Ball Heroes game. Goku is suddenly sent flying into the icy sea, and after Krillin is knocked out from an attack as well; Gohan is left all alone to face the Super Android 13. In this form, his strength and durability raises exponentially. The battles continue, with the Androids initially winning. Knowing there is no way they can beat him by themselves, Goku prepares a Spirit Bomb. Ultimately, 14 and 15 are defeated, following Future Trunks and Vegeta's transformations into Super Saiyans; their deaths are fail-safe however, as 13 absorbs components from both, resulting in his transformation into Super Android 13. They happen upon him eating and throw a combined ki blast at his general area; Goku and the others save people from being killed. Goku and Gohan meanwhile have been forced to go on a rather dangerous clothes-shopping trip with Chi-Chi.

Their conversation was added to the end of the film as it's not present in the original Japanese version. In West City,[2] Chi-Chi is shopping with Goku and Gohan. Super 13 is unaffected by Goku’s attack as well, and upon badly beating his opponent begins to go in for the kill, as his programming had commanded him to do. Android 13 is the thirteenth installment of Doctor Gero's Android series. The Three Great Super Saiyans (Japanese: ドラゴンボールZ 極限バトル! Deadly Bomber basically lit up the whole area the Androids and the Z-Fighters were battling. However, the remastered release contains an alternate audio track containing the English dub with original Japanese background music by Shunsuke Kikuchi. !三大超サイヤ人, Hepburn: Doragon Bōru Zetto Kyokugen Batoru!!

Released July 11th, 1992, 'Dragon Ball Z: Super Android 13!' The Three Great Super Saiyans (Japanese: ドラゴンボールZ 極限バトル! This is the Ultimate Battle in all the Universes! He absorbs the components, resulting in his transformation into Super Android 13.

- Build your team with characters from the "Super Saiyans" Category! To kill Goku, this computer completed Android 13 along side his would be successors Android 14 and Android 15. The humanoids introduce themselves as Androids 14 and 15 as Gohan, Krillin and Trunks join the fray. There is a sudden disturbance in a nearby as two strange figures are walking through the city and wrecking anything that gets in their way. Dashed towards Goku several meters away from him and grabbed him by the foot before Goku could dodge. Android 13 is completed by Dr. Gero's self-aware supercomputer after Android 14 and Android 15, who by this time are already taking up arms against Goku and Future Trunks. At the same time, Vegeta punches 15, decapitating him. Deadly Bomber, Android 13 uses the Silent Assassin 13 technique on Goku, Future Trunks powers up while fighting Android 14, Android 15, without his hat, takes another drink from his flask, Super Saiyan Goku firing Ki Blasts at Android 13, Krillin after narrowly avoiding a Ki Blast, Gohan puts snow on Krillin's face to ease the pain, Android 13 charges a Full Power Energy Wave, Piccolo's Explosive Demon Wave vs. Android 13's Full Power Energy Wave, Super Saiyan Goku firing Continuous Kamehameha, Goku throws an energy sphere at Android 13, Super Saiyan Future Trunks punching Android 14, Android 13 absorbs 15's and 14's memory cards, Android 13 absorbs 15's and 14's batteries, Super Android 13 drops Vegeta on his right knee, Piccolo punching Super Android 13 in the stomach, Super Android 13 smashes Piccolo in the stomach, Super Android 13 fires an Energy Wave at Piccolo, Gohan's Masenko vs. Super Android 13's energy blast, Krillin fires Ki Blasts at Super Android 13, Super Android 13 fires a Ki Blast at Krillin, Super Android 13 spots Goku's Spirit Bomb, Super Android 13 fires a Ki Blast at Goku, Gohan jumps in front of Super Android 13's Ki Blast, Vegeta's Big Bang Attack approaches Super Android 13, Goku lands the final blow against Super Android 13. Recruit Androids #14 & #15 to your team and aim for Dokkan Awakening. The film was re-released to DVD on December 6, 2011 in a remastered box set containing the second four Dragon Ball Z movies. The DVD featured an English dub with an original score done by Mark Menza. Cell notes that Android 13 may be a prototype to him, due to his ability to absorb other Androids. 13 attacks, but Goku effortlessly punches through 13's stomach and sends him into the core of the Spirit Bomb, where he is obliterated. In the end, Goku and his friends are healing in the hospital, but Piccolo and Vegeta are comically sitting back-to-back on a small portion of ice in the sea, isolated from the celebration. It appears they are making their way towards Goku, who is sitting at a building top floor with his family, along with Krillin and the others who have since discovered that they were actually waiting for the pageant a day early. ?oldid=15413. Son Goku vs Jiren!! It was originally released on Japan on July 11, 1992. Meanwhile, Goku and Trunks have arrived at a frozen Iceland part of Earth, and are continuing to have some difficulty with fighting Androids 14 and 15. Despite his sword being broken by Android 18 in the series, Future Trunks' sword is broken by Android 13 in this film.