Il porte ses habits et uniformes de lycéen du lycée Orange Star, son costume de Great Saiyaman (pour cacher son identité), et également son dōgi violet. [22], Son Gohan was the first Saiyan in the series to achieve the status of a Super Saiyan 2, doing so at the tender age of 9. [47] Gohan was meant to replace his father as the main protagonist following the Androids and Cell Arc, but the author later decided against it.[11].

Dès son plus âge il affiche un potentiel de combat exceptionnel (dépassant même celui de Gokū). Il montre cependant un potentiel caché incroyable lorsqu’il est confronté à des menaces qui provoquent chez lui un déchaînement de colère. This powered-up version of Gohan is often referred to as Ultimate Gohan (究竟悟飯, Kyūkō Gohan). Soyez au courant de nos nouveautés.

Gohan may have been popular with the ladies, or perverted just like Muten Rōshi. Après que le vieux Kaiōshin ait révélé le potentiel latent de Gohan, celui-ci devient encore plus “rude” et son apparence physique devient également plus adulte. Fortunately Videl reveals that she was pregnant, much to Gohan's joyfulness.

His lack of training, however, seemed to impact his physical build to a degree, as he appeared to be very lean during his early high school days. Son Gokū and His Friends Return!! He would also learn how to detect ch'i at a similarly young age, and carried these abilities well into adulthood.

Tout comme son père, il a un cœur pur et un intérêt tout particulier pour ses amis et ne pardonne pas à ceux qui leur font du mal. Dragon Planet Wiki is a FANDOM Anime Community. À l’instar des Saiyans de sang pur, il a les cheveux noirs et les yeux noirs. Piccolo arracha une nouvelle fois la queue du jeune garçon après avoir détruit le pod spatial de Gokū, qui projetait une image de la lune. Pour la première fois, Piccolo ne le reconnaît pas. Grâce à sa puissance cachée il détruit l’arbre en une fraction de seconde et passe à travers sans subir le moindre dégât, alors qu’il courrait à une mort certaine s’il n’était qu’un bébé humain normal.[5]. Son Gohan is present at the 28th Tenkaichi Budokai but he does not participate in it, instead he watches and cheers for his daughter, who is competing in the tournament. Homing dash = Le dash spéciale, réalisable avec H+S ( R2 par défaut) ou en rappuyant sur H après un premier H pendant les combo. When Gohan's potential was fully released, he underwent a few minor physical changes. Editeur: Banpresto.

Dans la série TV Gohan fait un rêve où il voit Cell (forme parfaite) en train de tuer sa mère et Piccolo. Ce survêtement qu’il utilise pour combattre, rappelle curieusement la tenue que porte l’acteur Bruce Lee dans le film “Le jeu de la mort”, mais il est tout de même assez différent. Akira Toriyama lui a donné ce nom pour le fun en jouant sur la proximité entre les noms Son Gokū et Son Gohan. Gohan is the first to become a Super Saiyan 2 in the wake of Android 16's death at the hands of Perfect Cell.

At Gohan and Videl's house, Mr Satan is playing with Pan. Ses cheveux se dressent sur la tête et sa mèche tombante devient plus longue encore. [23] He awakened this transformation for the very first time during his battle with Cell, after the notorious villain had plunged him deep into a corner he would have been unable to escape from otherwise, slowly working Son Gohan to his last nerve by assaulting the rest of the Dragon Team. As such, he possessed the ability to transform into a Giant Monkey, and when transformed, his power was multiplied tenfold. La version EX finira également par un rebond sur le mur. Son Gohan 孫(そん)悟(ご)飯(はん) Alternative Name(s) Grandpa Son Gohan (孫(そん)悟(ご)飯(はん)じいちゃん, Son Gohan-jīchan) Grandpa Gohan Personal Data Universe 7th Universe Galaxy Milky Way, North Galaxies Race Earthling Birthplace Earth Birthday Age 658 Age 92 Status Deceased Gender Male Height 158.5 cm/5'2" Weight 50.8 kg/112 lbs.
Shin Sekai, boutique en ligne de figurines et goodies spécialisée dans l'univers du manga, depuis 2012. figurine gohan. La version EX donne un coup de poing au sol avant de partir dans les airs. Although originally introduced as a mild-mannered and easily scared child, Gohan harbors an immense, limitless potential that surpasses that of his father. [37], Shenron reveals that the Super Saiyan God is a legendary transformation that is achieved when kindhearted Saiyans fuse their power together. Articles that appear in Dragon Ball Super, Characters who have participated in the Tenkaichi Budōkai, Characters who have died and been revived, Characters that participated in the Cell Games, Characters that appeared in Dragon Ball Z, Characters that appeared in Dragon Ball Kai, Characters that appeared in Dragon Ball Super, Characters who have participated in the Tournament of Power, Characters who participated in the Zen Exhibition Match, 6th Universe and 7th Universe Hakaishin Selection Martial Arts Competition, His early childhood was a pampered one, unlike his father's. While Gohan claimed he wanted to be a scholar in the original Japanese version of the anime, as well as the English and Japanese versions of the manga, he claimed he wanted to be an, Gohan holds the record for the shortest death and revival in the history of the series.

This was the power Son Gokū had identified briefly during his experiences with Son Gohan in the Room of Spirit and Time, leading him to believe that Son Gohan was the only one who could defeat Cell.

Dans le jeu de carte américain Dragon Ball Z Collectible Card Game, il existe des cartes appelées “Fusion Frenzy” qui proposent d’hypothétiques fusions entre des guerriers de l’Univers de Dragon Ball Z. L’une d’elle se nomme “Buuhan” et est décrite comme la fusion entre Majin Boo et Gohan. The Three Great Super Saiyans, Dragon Ball Z: Burn Up!! This course of action eventually leads to the demise of Son Gokū, as Cell proceeds to destroying himself after realizing he was no match for Son Gohan, marking another change in the demeanor of Son Gohan, who suddenly begins to regret not having defeated Cell in the first place. His hair changed as frequently as his clothing during his young age; for the duration of a childhood, it was a mullet-esque hairstyle that he wore for the duration of his childhood, before opting for a bowl cut during his adventures on Namek. Dragon Ball Z Side-Story: Plan to Eradicate the Saiyans, Dragon Ball: Plan to Eradicate the Super Saiyans. Like his father, Gohan does not live in the city. Main article: Great Monkey Transformation He also surpassed Vegeta and Future Trunks in their Ascended Super Saiyan forms. Si vous utilisez le bouton d’attaque moyen en dernier, l’ennemi sera envoyé contre le mur, ce qui vous permettra de continuer votre combo en le rattrapant.