Lagerschreiber - Inmate working on administrative jobs in the camp.

Kübelträger - Inmate who had to change and to clean the chamber pots. Lauskontrolle - Louse inspection. It was used in Buchenwald with different meanings: "caracho-hund" was an insult and "mit caracho!" Most of the time, these prisoners were sadistics and perverts. Achtung - Stand at attention, attention! Send us feedback. Kesselkolonne - Inmates in charge of bringing the food.

It was a punishment and it was during hours and hours until the inmate fell on the ground. [8], Dieser Artikel behandelt eine veraltete Bezeichnung für Muslime. Many of the forces that initially sent the economy into a tailspin in 1929 and 1930 have been at work in the 2000s as well: a stock-market boom turned bust, a real estate boom turned bust, Shakespeare served as exemplar of the writer who achieved success, and an, Fan fiction … was once mainly a fringe pursuit. Pfahl - Torture: the prisoners were hanged with their hands lied in the back (see also "Baum") Moor-express - (Dachau) wagon used for the transport of corpses to the crematory. Kommunist - Communist (SS insult). b. Every moves or work were done "im laufschritt" in the camps...

/ Auf; schwingt den Säbel, traut auf Gott / Der euch noch nie verließ / Und wenn euch selbst noch ärgre Noth / Der böse Satan wies.“[3], In Schillers Ballade Ritter Toggenburg (1797) findet sich ebenfalls der Begriff. 1. Gotthold Ephraim Lessing: Werke. Miska - Mess-tin Test Your Knowledge - and learn some interesting things along the way. Entlausung - To delouse Sau - idem. In several camps, an inmate having lice was immediately executed: "Eine Laus, der Todt" (A louse - your death). Achtzehn - 18, means danger. Now, it's changing the world of fiction, as Internet exposure helps unknown authors find mainstream success.

- Abreviation de "Wirtschafts Betriebe" (SS commercial company).

It was often used by the SS for the hangings. Most of the time, they were real criminals.

Hitlerowiec - Nazi In Auschwitz, it was the team in charge of bringing the corpses to the crematory. - Sing! Lagerarzt - SS doctor of the camp.

Caracho - Russian word which means "good". Hg.

Durch Kamin - "Through the chimney" (of the crematory): expression used by the SS for inmates who were in terminal stade of weakness (see "musulmann" and "lunatik"). Lagerlaufer - Delivery boy.

Rot - Red: political prisoner wearing a red triangle (communist). Lager - Camp You can help Wikipedia by expanding it. Bettruhe - To rest in the bed. It was also used for the inmates who were used as cobaye for medical experiments by the SS.

Lausstunde - The laps of time allowed to the inmates for delousing. This "line" was called the "louse street"

They were often political personalities of occupied countries or members of very important families.

Artzmeldung - To go to the infirmary. They often executed inmates by lethal injections of phenol. Or something like that. Rollen - To roll on the ground (SS "exercise"). Kretiner - Idiot (SS insult) Kommando X - In Dachau, the inmates working in the crematories.

See the full definition for unprecedented in the English Language Learners Dictionary, More from Merriam-Webster on unprecedented, Thesaurus: All synonyms and antonyms for unprecedented, Nglish: Translation of unprecedented for Spanish Speakers, Britannica English: Translation of unprecedented for Arabic Speakers. Gummi - Club.

What made you want to look up unprecedented? Views expressed in the examples do not represent the opinion of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Judenschule - "Jewish School". Organisieren - To steal the SS. Kautabak - Chewing tobacco

It was a punishment.

'All Intensive Purposes' or 'All Intents and Purposes'? 98, Berlin 1805, Sp. Muselmann (auch Muselman, Muselmane; von persisch musilmān über türkisch müslüman, französisch musulman, italienisch musulmano; ursprünglich persisch muslimān – von arabisch muslim + persische Pluralendung-ān, „die Muslime“) ist laut Duden eine scherzhafte und veraltete Bezeichnung für Muslime. Schreiber - Secretary. Kübel - Chamber pot. "Grosse achtzehn" - great danger Szkop, Szwab - Polish insults for "German". Entlausungskommando - Work team in charge of delousing other inmates. Sago - A kind of food in the camps. The inmates always used this word when they were talking together. Der Text des Kanons C-a-f-f-e-e von Carl Gottlieb Hering lautet: Auch bei Nietzsche findet sich noch im späten 19. Often, it was the place where punished inmates were beaten or executed. Versuchskaninchen - Prisoner used for medical experiments.

Grüne - Green.

Kostträgger - Inmates in charge of bringing the food. Blockfürher - SS in charge of a barrack. Very few of them survived. Hurra, hurra, ich bin wieder da! It is nearly an offense not to do so. K.Z. Stube - Chamber. Ehrenhäftling - Special prisoner. Baumhangen - The punition itself (see Baum), "Baumhangen" in Dachau. Vorarbeiter - Foreman, Wachmann - SS guard Muselmann (auch Muselman, Muselmane; von persisch musilmān über türkisch müslüman, französisch musulman, italienisch musulmano; ursprünglich persisch muslimān – von arabisch muslim + persische Pluralendung -ān, „die Muslime“) ist laut Duden eine scherzhafte und veraltete Bezeichnung für Muslime. Muselmann - Muslim.This expression was used for inmates who were too weak for work. Blöde Hund - Stupid dog (SS insult) Lunatik - Lunatic. Brotzei - Bread distribution. The French speaking survivors always use the familiar word "tu" (means "you") when they meet. By that time—1980—more Americans identify themselves as conservatives than as liberals. Eine besondere Bedeutung hatte der Begriff in den Zeiten des NS-Regimes unter KZ-Häftlingen, siehe auch Muselmann (KZ). Lagerprominent - An inmate who had a good job. Blockowa - Idem but for a woman Auffangslager - Transit camp. Sprengkommando - The work team in charge of the destruction of non-exploded bombs.

A "transport" arriving in Chelmno extermination camp. Die eingedeutschte Endung -mann, Plural -männer, ist volksetymologischen Ursprungs.

Schnupftabak - "snuff" tobacco also could be placed on one's mouth. Everybody was talking about but nobody has ever seen it... Krematorium - Crematory. Laufschritt - At the double (military order). 1. a. ping, slips v.intr. They were always separated from the others inmates and had better conditions of life.
Auffenthaltslager - Waiting camp. Invalide - Invalid

Kaninchen - Rabbit. Antreten - To fall into line (for the roll-call, a control, a punishment...)

Block - Barrack Kommandofürher - SS in charge of a work team.

Urban definition: Urban means belonging to, or relating to, a town or city. The "Himmelfahrtkommando" in Auschwitz - drawing made by a survivor.

Pfarrer - Priest (all religions) Stillstehen - To stay still.

Jahrhundert war „Muselmann“ die übliche deutschsprachige Bezeichnung für Muslime. The concentration camps had their own language.

'Nip it in the butt' or 'Nip it in the bud'? To move smoothly, easily, and quietly: slipped into bed. Rollwagen - Wagon. Some of these words are a mix between German, Polish or Russian. Stube-ältester - Inmate in charge of a chamber Scheisskommando - Work team in charge of the cleaning of closets. Walzkommando - Work team who had to pull a huge roller as a punishment.

Gaskammer - Gas chamber Himmelkreuz und Wolkenbruch - SS insult. Lauseweg - "Louse street". You can help Wikipedia by expanding it.

von Johann Georg Krünitz u. a., Bd. Muselmann – especially weakened concentration camp prisoners; References This German history article is a stub.

Strasse - Street (see also "Lauseweg")

Augen links, rechts, gerade aus - turn head to left, to right, etc...


Hocker - A small wooden stool used in the barracks. Flucht - Escape. The SS often used the expression "auf der flucht erschossen" (killed during an escape attempt) when they shooted an inmate during the work.