Kiku is the definition of transgender, whether or not the concept and recognition of them is confirmed or not. I.e.

And I hate to break it to you, but making male the default for a character referred to as a woman before, expressing themselves as a woman (through looks and behavior), calling themselves a woman, and saying 心は女です (which again clearly means they identify as a woman), just because one other character called them a man is an inherently transphobic stance and you might want to reevalutate your personal biases.

We don't need to be blatant about it. Because again, they weren's specifically talking about Yamato.

There's also manga with very explicitly trans characters, like Stop!! I mean look, we have Kiku calling herself a woman, Kiku expressing herself as a woman, Kiku saying her heart is a woman, Kin'emon (a close friend) treating Kiku like a woman, Kiku being treated like a woman by everyone up to the newest chapter and cleary accepting that as normal for her, against one guy calling her a man, which she response to by reiterating her being a woman, and then maybe if you insist on sessha, which we have discussed a lot already is not even a solid argument. Female samurai called the Onna bushi heroine. Transgender still existed back in Edo Period, though, even if it was not what we see today.

Also, Kikunojo is a reference to Segawa Kikunojo, the Kabuki actor that cross-dressed as female for his roles. tools/tracking. Putting aside that it isn't exactly a comparable argument, it is because of this very reason that Big Mom uses a male "I" that we can use this to disprove the "female samurai don't have a pronoun so they must use sessha" claim.

Also little call out to SeaTerror, I'm pretty sure this conversation is supposed to be civil, so, behave. However, I do see how Oda is showing corruption of society against what gender want to be.OishiLover75 (talk) 22:25, July 5, 2019 (UTC), Should stay as he/him as always been the case with similar characters (plus Kikunojo was in disguise) and for reasons said above. The series still ranked number one in manga sales in 2018, which surprised fans of major new entries. A man can wear a dress without indentifying as a woman. This is normal in any society. Everyone is free to their opinions, and shouldn't be criticized for interpreting the work their way, especially when that opinion is the same as the author. As for SeaTerror: I'm not saying we should use real life terms in the wiki entry. Men loved [y/n] … I kinda missed out on adressing it before, but Kiku does not use sessha only after revealing herself as a samurai, she uses it earlier when introducing herself to Luffy and Zoro, while still "in disguise".

Trans people exist in Japan, but they're invisible minorities and marginalized like all of the LGBTQ+ community. Now yes, gender and sex may not be the same thing, but that is not relevant for this topic, especially when many languages and cultures don't differentiate the two. We might disagree but the wiki's authorities are important too and without them the wiki would be a mess.

Okama literally means transvestite, not transgender. And judging by his feminine look, I have a feeling that Brook, Sanji, Urashima, and all of the most perverted characters so would be shocked to realize that they fell in love with a man who could potentially be the Most Beautiful Okama so far in the series! For example: "That person broke something. • Seelentau 愛 議 10:55, September 3, 2020 (UTC), Listen, the argument that FANDOM uses is completely absurd, they have already imposed it on us in one article, and unless they force us, we will not put it in more, because it does not make sense, we are not going to apply the same rule for Kiku and Big Mom.

Transgender women are not cross-dressers or drag queens. In insistences such as the battle over the Luna, Akhmedov has resorted to extreme legal machinations to subvert the High Courts decision and keep his assets from being seized. Kiku never said they were a male, not once in the series.

So while it's for sure not as surface level as in the west, it's still a thing, the question's more what Oda considered for Kiku if you ask me, & his thoughts on it. I think I was pretty clear.

Trans was not used in the manga therefore it can't be used on the article. They made a general instruction that shouldn't be ignored just because it's ill-informed and some of us may not like it. Also it's constantly repeated that Japanese pronouns do not work the way they do in english. from the 80s, where the main character is a trans girl & doesnt really like being called a boy, & for the final chapter a trans boy is introduced, who's going through HRT, who specifically says "I have the mind of a man" when some characters are shocked that he's biologically a girl.

3. Any explanation such as the Red Scabbards were probably named as such before Kiku "came out" or the public's view on Kiku is completely irrelevant borders a bit on pure speculation. I'm aware that is what wikipedia says. At least Oda made Transgender characters that are fairly universally liked in Bon Clay and Ivankov. While semantics make it difficult to explain, for Yamato, "Man" is not gendered. SeaTerror (talk) 19:10, July 7, 2019 (UTC), I’m using we just list our names rather than give an explanation why. For her, "man" is not a sex or gender, but a title. One Piece x Reader one shot collections.

So while Chopper knew she was a samurai before she used sessha, Zoro didn't and it came off as shocking to him.

Furthermore, the official translator's interpretation, shown in the podcast, will reflect in the official translation. Thank you for listening to my Ted Talk.

The wording also slightly implies she's tricking them, Sanji especially which plays into Trans Panic territory which is yikes. SeaTerror (talk) 03:37, July 6, 2019 (UTC).

Does this mean crossdressers aren't transgender? Mới nhất nhanh nhất tại TruyenQQ.Com Therefore wouldn't that mean Crossdresser is not under Transgender.

He identifies as both a man and a woman and his default form is the male form so it makes sense to refer to him as a man. For me, and many others, "at heart" was easily sufficient to get the idea. Just as how nothing prevents Big Mom from using a male pronoun, there is nothing preventing Kiku from using a female pronoun. The Problem is that you hear some random prisoner call Kiku a young lad, and you jump at changing all the pronouns to he/him. I don't need to ask them, they have already made clear what they expect us to do. If you guys still find this insufficient, we can also list the arguments for "Kikunojo is male" and "Kikunojo is female".