The information provided here does not represent the views of Cheaper Than Dirt! The author already has great credentials and would have had my respect – until making a comment that ONLY his group can provide valuable training.

First off many people who are not overly well trained in all these techniques that you read about in various articles successfully defend themselves when attacked.

Instead he attempted to look more authoritative by saying the group he belongs to (military and law enforcement) are the only ones capable of providing correct training.

Both shots are to the thorassic cavity and each shot requires a sight picture. The term hammer is sometimes used to describe a double tap in which the firearm's sights are not reacquired by the shooter between shots. Tips" series we present on our website ( Some articles describe a double tap as "one sight picture, two fast trigger breaks." Among the most misunderstood tactics in personal defense is the double tap.

Your muscle memory will be useless after the first shot. Is excellent advice, I have done this too, playing out scenarios in case for some reason I had to use something rather than my gun(s) and use something else or shoot in uncomfortable situations, trying to cover many things that could happen. I learn something

• Furthermore, applying the events in a military or a police situation is not exactly what the average person experiences in most cases. I favor a big bore hit or two closely spaced over a group of small bore hits any day–, I like the balance of the SAA .45 and often carry a 4 3/4 inch .45 when hiking or travelling outdoors— it just feels right.

I was trained to double tap to the sternum ans single tap to the nose. Double Tap Technique Having gotten my "slow" fire technique (~1 shot/sec) squared away (at least to the point where I can hit the broad side of a barn, ~4" avg group size at 15 yds.

Allow the trigger to reset.

The origin of the double tap technique is credited to William Ewart Fairbairn and Eric A. Sykes, British police chiefs working in Shanghai during the 1930s who developed the technique in order to overcome the limitations of full metal jacketed (FMJ) ammunition.


Maybe you should go back and reread it.

This skill can be practiced by firing two shots at a time, taking time between the shots to reacquire the sights. To master the double tap, draw and get the sights on target quickly. When you have mastered these sighting styles, you will be prepared to shoot accurately and to use the double tap. champion speedshooter J. Michael Plaxco "You must learn to This may mean aiming using meat and paper, in which the slide of the pistol is superimposed over the target as an aiming point. I’d that what you took from this article? There is a natural arc of the front sight post after the round is fired and the recoil kicks in. Tap tap then splat. The military has many times engaged civilians to train soldiers in methods developed by civilians. Practice with what you carry.

I’m just surprised you are emphasizing double tap.

I carry an S&W M&P Perf Ctr Shield 9mm. Practice, it’s the only way to be prepared….before you take that shot(s) and after. Some things to think about when doing these drills if I am hitting the target with very tight groups then I should be picking up the pace until accuracy suffers then I encourage shooters to slow down a little to tighten things up again. This isn’t acceptable morally or legally. Your intended target will most likely not stand there and wait for you to acquire a perfect stance, grip, sight picture, etc. The term "double tap" is now used to describe the broader technique of firing two rounds quickly and accurately to disable an opponent. [1][2] Instruction and practice of the double-tap improves overall accuracy as shooters often do not have the gun fully extended on the first shot meaning the second of a double-tap is usually the better. Those without training will be hapless in many defensive situations.

"Sight  = 

I guess it just irks me when a writer pulls the macho crap that ONLY his way is best.

Anyone can shoot, but aiming each shot no matter how fast your fire is the development of a marksman.

A person that has won contests would be a good choice. Experience must be alloyed with training.

I showed this friend of not only the gun(s) I carry, but a few others things too. "An emergency within an emergency". (1) It’s common knowledge that Police Officers have an average “Hit Rate” of 20% in combat. Usher, Jerry (December 2000).

I would tend to disagree with most of it, if you’re not starting in control. Great article.

People that have been mortally shot can still squeeze of rounds and detonate explosives.

As the handgun comes back on target, the trigger resets and you are ready to fire again.

The soldier lets the barrel go with this arc and immediately brings the front sight post back on target and takes a second shot.

ALL training and ALL trainers should always be evaluated independently based on their merits., Week-In-Review News Roundup: October 11-17, 2020. This means that each shot is a deliberate shot that is controlled.