2016: Santos | Frist | 1904: IDI | Pierce | Blackburn | Hamlin | After the Soul Mates failed to capitalize on their one hit, the group broke up and Al Green struck out out his own. Des Weiteren hatte Al Gore 1990 die Idee eines „Marshallplans“ für die Erde, die er 1992 in seinem Buch Earth in the Balance veröffentlichte. Key | J. Polk | In later decades, he became known for his faith-based efforts, including scoring “China Cry,” a feature film produced by the Trinity Broadcasting Network in 1990. Turley | Bezirk: Reynolds | 2006 war Gore mitwirkender Songwriter bei der Single Beware of the Dog von der britischen Singer-Songwriterin Jamelia.

[58], Der Gore-Effekt ist eine in den USA verbreitete und nach Gore benannte ironische Bezeichnung für unzeitige Schneewetter oder Kälteeinbrüche in Zusammenhang mit Veranstaltungen und Demonstrationen zu den Folgen der globalen Erwärmung. Evins |

In his testimony he called some of the statements made about his music “character assassination” and addressed Tipper Gore personally for what he says was a misrepresentation of his song “Under the Knife.”, The PMRC had interpreted its lyrics as being about sadomasochism, bondage, and rape.

1925: Chamberlain, Dawes |

Whitthorne | But there were no drug references. These hearings also demonstrate how moral panics cause wild overreactions, ill-advised and damaging government action — always conducted with a sense of altruistic moral superiority. Jere Cooper | Gentry | 1902: Ducommun, Gobat | I. Baker | Dawes | Al Capone, also known as "Scarface," rose to infamy as the leader of the Chicago Outfit, an organized crime syndicate during the Prohibition era. “The beauty of literature, poetry, and music is that they leave room for the audience to put its own imagination, experience, and dreams into the words,” Snider testified, adding that the “supposedly well-informed adults” in the PMRC had completely and unfairly misinterpreted the lyrics, demonstrating plainly the folly of regulating rock lyrics.
They were elected into office that year and reelected in 1996. J. Crockett |

White, Abgeordnete aus dem Bundesstaat Tennessee (seit 1796) Al Gore served in both the House and Senate. As he started working closely with Mitchell, Green's soft phrasing and falsetto embellishments took soul in a new direction. A. Taylor | Byrns | Of these just 13% were heavy metal records, while rap represented 51% of “labelled” content. Martin Lee Gore (* 23. Seit 1980 ist er Keyboarder, später Songwriter, Gitarrist und, neben Dave Gahan, Sänger der Synthie-Pop-Band Depeche Mode. As Sen. Exon put it at one point that day: “Mr. [31], Am 12. Kuykendall | The collapse of the record industry, which began over 20 years ago, has made “Parental Advisory” labels quaint. Jefferson | 1 on the Billboard Hot 100. White |
Er beabsichtige, seinen Anteil am Preisgeld (fünf Millionen Kronen, etwa 530.000 €) an die Alliance for Climate Protection zu spenden, eine unabhängige gemeinnützige Organisation, die es sich zum Ziel gesetzt hat, die Wahrnehmung der Gefahren der Klimakrise in der amerikanischen und internationalen Öffentlichkeit zu stärken. L. Lea | Its members included other wives of senators, wives of cabinet members, and wives of prominent DC businessmen. [62] Er hat jedoch daraufhin durch Training bei Coaches und Beratern seine Rhetorik und seine Körpersprache bei Vorträgen erheblich verbessern können. 1917: IKRK |